Category: Activity
Category: Activity
Education Development Programme Primary school for BPL/SC/ST/Economical backward student Since 2007 we are giving English medium education to BPL and rural family student. At present 80 student are gating education facilities from our organization. Computer training programmed Realizing the hard reality that in futurise types of literate people will be there on computer Literate and
Annual Activity 2011-2012
Education Development Programme Primary school for BPL/SC/ST/Economical backward student Education is the basic elements for advancement of society and a country. We believe that development in the true sense is hardly possible if majority of people remain in the Quagmires of darkness .Therefore we have to set up a primary English medium school With a
Annual Activity 2010-2011
Education Development Programme We have started English medium school for rural student without taking any fees or minimum fees upto secondary Lvl. for our school we have got government permission. For the student belonging SC/ST/OBC and BPL community we are giving free standard English Medium education. since from 2006. In this we are also giving