Annual Activity 2011-2012

Annual Activity 2011-2012
  • Primary school for BPL/SC/ST/Economical backward student
  • Education is the basic elements for advancement of society and a country. We believe that development in the true sense is hardly possible if majority of people remain in the Quagmires of darkness .Therefore we have to set up a primary English medium school With a mission to spread light of education among the people belonging to above community. At present 60 student are gating education facilities from our organization.

  • Computer training programmed
  • Realizing the hard reality that in futurise types of literate people will be there on computer Literate and other who is not a computer literacy for those the society started a computer Training programmed. 80 students are taken basic computer knowledge.

  • Observation of Notable Days
  • Our organization has been taken various national / International red latter days every year With active participation and co operation of the local peoples and children’s. Independence day, Republic day, Mahatma Gandhi birth anniversary etc. festivals are Celebrated.

    In this rural / hilly area medical facility is poor, it cannot reach properly to poor people.Due to this our organization conducted various free medical relief camp by inviting specialist Doctors team from renowned hospital.

  • Free eye check up and free cat rack operation in Pune.
  • Free blood/ urine check up.
  • For Senior Citizen and for rural people we have conducted free orthopedic check Up and free X-Ray and free medicine camp conducted in Kudal village with the help Of Pune base renowned Hospital.

The society has organized welfare programmed for senior citizens. In this guest lecture is arrange for sr. Citizens.In this we guide how to take care of our self’s in this age. Some entertainment programmed Organized.

  • Village cleaning and awareness programmed
  • In this our organization conducted village cleaning camp in that our school children clean the village And also show them how cleanliness is important.

  • Tailoring course for women’s
  • In this we have conducted various free tailoring course for rural women’s. So that they Can start there own in house tailoring shop and earn for batter live hood.

  • Agriculture base guidance programmed
  • Our origination organized agriculture base programmed. In this we have invited agriculture Officers to guide the local farmers regarding latest technique and procedure by which they Increase the crop production etc.

  • Youth Cultural Programmed
  • Our organization arrange the programmed to celebrate the birth anniversary .In this massage Of the national leader were given to all youth and villagers.

  • Tree Plantation programmed
  • On environment day our organization has organized tree plantation programmed. In this our villagers and school student took parts.On environment day our organization has organized tree plantation programmed. In this our villagers and school student took parts.